Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sequel To "He Got Game" In The Making?

Miami Heat guard Ray Allen and writer/director Spike Lee have been talking about a sequel to the 1998 sports drama "He Got Game".

If you saw the first installment then you should be just as excited as I was when I heard the news.

Jesus Shuttlesworth (Ray Allen) was a star high school basketball player who had a father in prison (Denzel Washington). His father was allowed to leave the prison in order to recruit Shuttlesworth to play at his prison warden's Alma Mater while his girlfriend (Rosario Dawson) was in the process of getting an NBA Agent to get Shuttlesworth to make the jump to the pros.

If you haven't seen it yet, check it out you won't be disappointed.

Spike Lee has even went as far as to create a social media account with a picture of Allen and Lee and saying that they have started to talk about a sequel. The talks were said to have begun after the Miami Heat won the NBA Championship last summer.

The news is just now becoming prevalent because of the jerseys that will be worn around the NBA this Friday. The NBA has decided to start a "Name Collection" jerseys which will feature the NBA players nickname on the back of their jersey, J. Shuttlesworth will be on the back of Allen's jersey on Friday.

Allen has said that the only way he would really want to do this project is if they can recruit Denzel Washington, who played his father in the movie, and Rosario Dawson, who played his girlfriend in the movie, to be in the sequel.

There's no word on either Washington or Dawson committing just yet but you can bet my fingers are crossed that the sequel gets made, and maybe call it "He Still Got Game". What do you think?

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